
Showing posts from January, 2018


Today in Western Civ. we took more notes on Greek Government and also Ben brought in chips for everybody. We learned that Athens started a direct Democracy in 508 BCE.


Today in Western Civ. we took notes about Hippias and Isagoras. We also learned that 508 BCE was the first time any common people revolted against their leaders.

Out of class

Today in Human Geo i was away on a college visit with my brother.

Textbook Notes On Greece

Today in Western Civ. We took notes from our textbooks then went over a powerpoint slide with Mr. Schick on what we learned from the textbook. We learned about ancient Greek Government and how their leader came into power. If you were a rich Citizen or noble you were much more likely to rise into power then if u were a poor non-citizen.

The Odyssey

Today in Western Civ. we took notes and listened to an audible version of Odysseus, the section were they got trapped in Polyphemus' cave and plotted their escape.

Sick Day

Today I missed Honors Western Civ., because I was sick.


Today in western civ. we took notes on Greece. We learned about the trojan war and The Mycenaeans. Also Kelsie brought in donuts for the class then her, Maddie, Ellie, and Valorie, had to leave early for a track meet. We also learned about how they killed babies and left them in jars on the doorstep, if they thought that they wouldn't make it as a kid.


Today in Western Civ. we took notes. These are my notes.

First day of the new quarter and Western Civ.

Today in Western Civ we got three new classmates Anna, Jillian, and Dominic, Dominic was not there for this class. We also started reading our new material for this semester. Notes - The roots of Greek culture are based on interaction of the Mycenaean, Minoan, and Dorian cultures Ancient Greece was not a united country Overall geography- mountainous peninsula, Mediterranean Sea is off the coast, ancient Greece included about 2,000 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Sea, the region's physical geography directly shaped Greek traditions and customs India/ Indus River The world's great civilizations are all located on water (usually) Mesopotamia/Tigris and Euphrates Rivers China/ Huang He River Egypt/ Nile River Greece is surrounded by the Adriatic, Aegean, and Ionian Seas Mediterranean - "middle of the Earth"


Today in Human Geography we took a test on World Leaders. We also have a three day weekend starting tomorrow. Human Geography is coming to an end but this semester was very fun and educational


Today in Human Geography we took more notes on the last few World leaders and then Mr.Schick told us that our test will be on Friday. Giovanna also had a shadow today.

World leaders

Today in Human Geography we went over Mr. Schick's world leaders powerpoint and took notes.


Today in Human Geography we finished take notes then we worked on a project.

Political geography

Today in Human Geography we learned about political geography, and tree ways that the world is organized. - Country - Nation - State Also in class today it was freezing because they forgot to turn on the heat.