Today in Western Civ. we took notes about Hippias and Isagoras. We also learned that 508 BCE was the first time any common people revolted against their leaders.
Today in Western Civ. we took more notes from our textbooks. Here are some of the notes: The Rise of Christianity Setting the stage Roman gods were not worshipped with much emotion, when their empire grew so did Christianity (a new religion) Life and Teachings of Jesus Roman power spread to the Jews around 63 B.C. Roughly two decades after Roman Rule many believed the messiah had arrived. Jesus of Nazareth 6-4 B.C. A jew named Jesus was born in Bethlehem Jesus was a carpenter, he was baptized by John the baptist Jesus began his public ministry at age 30 A growing movement Historical records at that time don't tell much of Jesus, the main source of information on Jesus is found in the gospels Jesus grew in fame/popularity, he had a unique appeal to the poor his word were simple and direct Jesus' death Jesus' popularity began to worry the jewish and the roman leaders People greeted him as messiah or king Jesus was accused of blasphemy and was se...
Today in Honors Human Geography we discussed six topics, Agora, Polis, The importance of the year 508 B.C. to the ancient Greeks, Socrates, and the death of Socrates. Agora-" (in ancient Greece) a public open space used for assemblies and markets.", and "was a central public space in ancient Greek city-states. The literal meaning of the word is "gathering place" or "assembly". The agora was the center of the athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life of the city." Polis- "a city state in ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes.", politics comes from polis, polis helped start the Democracy. The importance of the year 508 B.C. to the ancient Greeks and the rest of the world is that this is the first time ever in recorded history that the people revolt against their leader. Socrates, was a Greek philosopher, and a teacher. The death of Socrates- Socrates was on tr...
Today in Western civ. we took more notes and got ready for our test. Here are some of the notes. Why? because the senators saw Caesar's rise in power as a huge threat to their political viability How? they lured him to the Senate, stabbing him 23 times, making sure all were involved brutus helped octavion was next in line republic = no longer Julius Caesar'sgrand nephew- and adopted son- Octavion takes over at 18! makes a triumvirate with Marc Antony ( an experiences general) and lepidus (politician) This is the second triumvirate octavion forces the weak Lepidus to retire he and marc antony become rivals mark antony and cleopatra partner up : personally militarilly politically economically octavion defeats them at the battle of Actium he is now the unchallenged ruler of Rome now called "caesar augustus" imperator= supreme military leader now rome is an empire 40 yrs of ruling as a emperor pax romana= roman peace pax romana lasted 207 year...
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