Today in Honors Human Geography we discussed
six topics, Agora, Polis, The importance of the year 508 B.C. to the ancient
Greeks, Socrates, and the death of Socrates. Agora-"(in ancient Greece) a public open space used for
assemblies and markets.", and "was a central public space in
ancient Greek city-states. The literal meaning of the word is "gathering
place" or "assembly". The agora was the center of the athletic, artistic, spiritual and
political life of the city." Polis- "a city state in
ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical
purposes.", politics comes from polis, polis helped start the Democracy.
The importance of the year 508 B.C. to the ancient Greeks and the rest of
the world is that this is the first time ever in recorded history that the
people revolt against their leader. Socrates, was a Greek philosopher, and a
teacher. The death of Socrates- Socrates was on trial for refusing to recognize
the gods recognized by the state. This was punishable by the death
penalty, and he was found guilty. He was forced to commit suicide by drinking a
cup of poison.
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