
Today in Western Civ. we took more notes from our textbooks. Here are some of the notes:

The Rise of Christianity

  • Setting the stage
    • Roman gods were not worshipped with much emotion, when their empire grew so did Christianity (a new religion)
  • Life and Teachings of Jesus
    • Roman power spread to the Jews around 63 B.C.
    • Roughly two decades after Roman Rule many believed the messiah had arrived.
  • Jesus of Nazareth
    • 6-4 B.C. A jew named Jesus was born in Bethlehem
    • Jesus was a carpenter, he was baptized by John the baptist
    • Jesus began his public ministry at age 30
  • A growing movement
    • Historical records at that time don't tell much of Jesus, the main source of information on Jesus is found in the gospels
    • Jesus grew in fame/popularity, he had a unique appeal to the poor
    • his word were simple and direct
  • Jesus' death
    • Jesus' popularity began to worry the jewish and the roman leaders
    • People greeted him as messiah or king
    • Jesus was accused of blasphemy and was sentenced to crucifixion by Pontius Pilate 
    • Amazingly, according to the gospels, 3 days after his death, Jesus rose from the grave
    • Christos is a greek word meaning "messiah" or "Savior" Christianity is derived from the word
  • Christianity Spreads through the Roman Empire 
    • After Jesus triumphed over death his followers became more convicted to spread his teachings and religion, christianity slowly but surely spread through the Roman empire
    • Jesus' first...


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