
Showing posts from March, 2018
Today in Western Civ we finished up the chapter and watched a clip from a movie about Julius Caesar. Here are the notes: Philosophy and Art Epicureanism and Stoicism (Zeno): founded the school of philosophy. Epicure Founded the school of thought  Sculpture:  Colossus of Rhodes a bronze statue more than 100ft. high, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world 150 B.C. the Hellenistic world was in decline. Rome was growing and gaining strength. Greeks sculpted people to be perfect in proportion and shape, Epicureans sculpted them to how they would actually look and sometimes in actions of daily life. Rome is on the rise, Hellenistic culture is falling.


Today in Western Civ. we are finishing up the chapter so we can take our test when we come back from break. Here are some of our notes: Hellenistic culture Hellenistic culture in Alexandria Hellenistic culture - Greek Culture blended with Egyptian, Persian, and Indian Culture Trade and diversity  Alexandria's attractions Alexanders coffin Lighthouse (Pharos) Library Museum  Science and Technology Astrology The sun was at least 300x larger than the earth The earth and other planets revolve around the sun Ptolemy - disagrees with Aristarchus says that the earth is the center of the universe Eratosthenes - estimated the real size of the earth, says its round Mathematics and Physics  Euclid - wrote the book on Geometry (elements) Archimedes - estimated value of pi explained law of lever Archimedes screw - device that could raise water from the ground


Today in Western Civilization we took notes on "The spread of Hellenistic Culture." Here are some of the notes: Alexander's Empire Philip builds Macedonian Empire Philip is Alexander's dad + King of Macedonia King of Macedonia who invaded Greece and won! He was going to conquer Persia, but he was murdered Alexander names himself king at age 20 Alexander defeats Persia!! (Darius III) When young, he was tutored by Aristotle, and relied on the Iliad Alexander vs. king Darius: Alexander (outnumbered) beats all odds and defeats Darius Crowned Pharaoh in 332 BC, he told everyone he was a god Alexander's Army moves East to Mesopotamia, Darius' Army outnumbered Alexander again, and Alexander wins! Battle at Gaugamela. Alexander wins again by using the Phalanx. Alexander continues East to Persepolis, and burned + destroyed it Alexander's other Conquests Alexander now reigns as Unchallenged ruler of South Asia. 326 BC Hydaspes River, a...

Snow and The spread of Hellenistic Culture

Today in Western Civ. we talked about the possibility of a snow day and that we are not having cyber days anymore. Also we read about the spread of hellenistic culture. We haven't had our projects graded yet, I hope I did good enough to raise my grade to an A before the end of this quarter.

Notes on Alexanders conquests

Today in Western Civ. we took notes on Alexander the great and his great conquests and achievements. He was very young when is father died, but still managed to conquers a lot of the known world in the next few years, before his death in India, because of his illness.


Yesterday in Western Civ. My group presented our project on Ancient Greek food, and it went really well. Then we watched and grade the next group on Greek gods weapons and war.


Today in Western Civ. We watched and graded the the Olympic games presentation, by Valerie, Sydney, Jamie, and Madison.

Working on projects

Today in western Civ. we worked in our group projects, my group started to edit our cooking video. Mr. Schick went over how we are going to present our projects, our group is first. We have off tomorrow.

School Cancelled

Today School was cancelled because of a snow storm.

Project work

Today in Western Civ. we got into our group projects and worked on them the whole class, i am making food for my project with Ellie, Maddy, and Faith.

Class discussion and finishing philosophy crash course

Today in Western Civ. we had a discussion about gun laws and the reality of color, the color discussion is still t be continued... We also finished our crash course to philosophy video, talking about logic, a philosophers tool belt.