
Today in Western Civ. we are finishing up the chapter so we can take our test when we come back from break. Here are some of our notes:

  • Hellenistic culture
  • Hellenistic culture in Alexandria
  • Hellenistic culture - Greek Culture blended with Egyptian, Persian, and Indian Culture
  • Trade and diversity 
  • Alexandria's attractions
  • Alexanders coffin
  • Lighthouse (Pharos)
  • Library
  • Museum 
  • Science and Technology
  • Astrology
  • The sun was at least 300x larger than the earth
  • The earth and other planets revolve around the sun
  • Ptolemy - disagrees with Aristarchus says that the earth is the center of the universe
  • Eratosthenes - estimated the real size of the earth, says its round
  • Mathematics and Physics 
  • Euclid - wrote the book on Geometry (elements)
  • Archimedes - estimated value of pi explained law of lever
  • Archimedes screw - device that could raise water from the ground


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