August, 30 2017

Today in Human Geo. I got there late because my locker was not working, then Vlad tried to get his blog  working for the entirety of the class but in the end it failed :( .  The rest of the class Mr. Schick went over the syllabus for his class. We talked about the late policies. The policy is that if it is one day late it is 10% off and every day after that another 10% is taken off, and if it is more than four days late it is worth 0%. After this we went over the class definition of Human Geography, Mr. Schick said "its not just the rivers and streams, and mountains, but the people who live by the streams, rivers, and mountains". Then we talked about grade percentages test 100-200, quizzes 50, and classwork 25. After school today our JV soccer team has a scrimmage on the track field, but I can't play until next week, because I have a broken collar bone.


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