Think Local and act Global

Today in Human Geo. we had Mr. Torres as a substitute. Mr. Schick had us read his blog, take notes on it, add a definition, and complete an activity. "At the global scale, encompassing the entire world, geographers tend to see broad patterns." "The phrase meant that the environment was being harmed by processes such as global warming that were global in scale, but it could be improved by actions, such as consuming less gasoline, that were local in scale." This is Mr. Schick's definition of Globalization, "Globalization Scale is an increasingly important concept in geography because of globalization, which is a force or process that involves the entire world and results in making something worldwide in scope. Globalization means that the scale of the world is shrinking—not literally in size, of course, but in the ability of a person, object, or idea to interact with a person, object, or idea in another place. People are plugged into a global economy and culture, producing a world that is more uniform, integrated, and interdependent. The world contains only a handful of individuals who lead such isolated and sheltered lives that they have never watched a television set, used a telephone, or been in a motor vehicle. Even extremely isolated and sheltered people are at least aware of the existence of these important means of connection." Other definition from online, "the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale." Activity: Phone- Apple- From China-made of metal and electrical components, Notebook- Staples Brand-Made in China-made of paper and a thicker, more sturdy paper, Podium- Looks handmade -Probably made in China-made of painted wood, and screws. Later today i have pictures for our soccer team, then we have practice.


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