Exam Review

Today in Human Geo. i got to class late, then when i got there we went over the exam essay questions. Mr. Schick also went over some of the other information on the test like the population chart and the demographic transition chart.

Here are some example essays i wrote to study for the Exam.

Essay One:

The demographic characteristics for pyramid A is that it is a developing country in stage one of the demographic transition chart, meaning it has a very high birth and death rate. The demographic characteristics for pyramid B is that is a developed country I stage four of the demographic transition chart. Both countries could face problems, if their population pyramids continue to stay the same. Pyramid A if that country continues to have that high of a birth rate they could eventually outgrow their country leaving them with not enough money or supplies to run the country. Pyramid two if their country continues with this same very low birth rate, they will not have enough people coming into the work force to fill the required jobs in their country. This can be a huge problem for multiple reasons, the less total income that the country makes because there are so few in the work force the less amount of tax dollars the government has to run the country. A large portion of the tax cuts will be going to the elderly because they do not have enough children to support them, so the government will be left with even less money to run the country. This could also affect trade with other countries, because they do not have enough workers brining in the valuable resources to trade with other countries. This country could eventually go bankrupt. Country A could possibly cut back on their TFR reducing their population gradually so that their country evens out with a stable growth as they progress through the stages of the demographic transition chart. Pyramid B could possibly raise their TFR so that they have enough incoming workers to support their country, but not to high so that they out grow their country and its resources.

Essay Two:

Globalization is the process by which something has an influence on a global scale. Globalization has grown in recent years party because of technology and the use of social media. What used to take weeks or months we can now do with a click of a button. This rapidly increased the growth of globalization. This can be both a good and bad thing. It can be a good thing for example by the US being able to manufacture millions of products overseas and for a fraction of the price so we can focus our efforts on creating new technologies. This can be a bad thing for example the pollution that is caused by all these factories, and sending work overseas takes away jobs in the US. I think that globalization is necessary in order to grow, but we need to tone it back to prevent from worldwide pollution. If we, as a community combine our efforts we could produce many of the same things naturally helping the environment and helping life expectancy.


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