The Greeks - crucible of civilization

Today in Western Civ. We watched a movie called, The Greeks - crucible of civilization. Greece Founded on art, architecture, war, conflict, and they fought and beat cities much bigger than them. We learned about Cleisthenis, and Athens. Athens had an Acropolis, reading and writing was rarely taught and life expectancy was 15. 2 parts Aristocrats ruled with their power everyone else were commoners who had no part or share in anything. Greece should not be able to produce a great civilization because of its great mountains. Greece divided into many city-states because one ruler could not rule over all, because of the terrain and rough travel. One city-state had power because of their military, everyone in Sparta was bred to be a warrior, with no luxuries. Spartans were ruthless expansions. Spartans were always a threat to Greece, so Cleithenis had to watch out for them. Then there was a liberty Mutual ad. Cleithenis and his comrades were motivated because of their great stories of their heritage, were bards went around and sang of stories. Two of the most popular stories were the Illiad and the Oddessy. One man seizes control of the government by a tyrants way. He claimed to have Athena on his side and the people accepted him for it. Pycistrotis was Cleithenis own brother-in-law he was the first aristocrat to turn to the people for answers and give them a voice. A big part of Greeces economy was their production of olives, they grew very well on their land and could be used for almost anything, they sold them all over the ancient world. Athenians started to prosper because of this. Athens were the first to create the vase. they now sell for millions of dollars. Cleisthenis watched Greece turn into a great economical power. Pycistrotis died and his son Hippiass took over first in the footsteps of his father, then his brother died and he turned into a tyrant, in the definition that we know today. Hippiass ordered mass executions. Another ad "wallbot". Cleisthenis tried to overthrow Hippiass, he succeeded and banished Hippiass from Athens forever and Cleisthenis was now one of the most powerful men in Greece. Greece founded the Olympic games, which first started as an exclusive event but by Cleisthenis time anyone could participate. people would travel from all over Greece to watch the games. Cleisthenis seized power however and whenever he could. Isagoras was another aristocrat he knew he couldn't gain power by himself so he went to the spartans to betray Athens. Another ad. Isagoras took over Greece and exiled Cleisthenis. The common Athenians revolted! this is the first time in history and Isagoras was forced to surrender. The Athenians now turned to Cleisthenis again and brought him back out of exile. Cleisthenis started the first democracy, by letting all citizens vote a white pebble for yes black for no. He brought the government to the people. Greece thrived with their democracy.


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